A Recipe for Ancient Bread

Jordanian Bread.png

Dublin Core


A Recipe for Ancient Bread


This recipe is how bread was made in the ancient territory that is now Jordan. It consists of techniques that were used at the time, such as mashing tubers with rocks, and baking on hot stones. This recipe is a great start for the history of bread, because it shows exactly how bread was made at the beginning of its time and we can use this resource as a starting point for the recipes to come. In fact, if you are creating bread totally from scratch (starting with growing your own wheat), you follow a process that is similar to this one, with the largest difference in the type of leavening agent being used. This look into history is a great start for this research project as it paints a very clear picture of the genesis of bread.


This picture shows a recipe for how to make bread in ancient times and the process that it entails. This recipe is incredibly simple and easy to replicate, with the biggest hurdle being finding the ingredients necessary. This process starts with making flour from wild wheat and barley, both common bread making grains, even today. The next step is to simply pound tubers from water sources into a pulp and then mixing with the flour mixture. Finally, the baking process involves putting the dough/batter mixture onto hot stones around a fire, which is reminiscent of a pita or naan. This recipe does not contain any leavening agents, which leads us to believe that it is a very flat and simple bread to make, and one that is easy to replicate for those using it in ancient times.


Helen Briggs




British Broadcasting Corporation


July 17, 2018





Helen Briggs, “A Recipe for Ancient Bread,” The History of Food, accessed May 3, 2024, https://foodhistory.omeka.net/items/show/7.